Hey Ma, We All Have To Make Sacrifices In This Economy


The Dehen cadet jacket is nice and minimal. The silhouette falls somewhere in between a varsity and a bomber. Based on jackets originally made for West Point athletes, Dehen makes these with washed, boiled Pendleton wool. DAMN SON, EVEN THE TEXTURE IS ON TREND. There's also talon zippers because if your zipper isn’t name brand your zipper ain't shit. MINUTIAE, MOTHERFUCKER, MINUTIAE. I get it, $325 sounds like a lot for a jacket at first, but that's until you add up all stupid bandanas and pocket squares you bought for, like, $40 a pop. Or all those stupid meals you bought for your girlfriend. WHO CARES ABOUT QUIET UNPRETENTIOUS SURPRISE DINNERS WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO STUNT IN BOILED WOOL? HEY MA, WE ALL HAVE TO MAKE SACRIFICES IN THIS ECONOMY. THAT’S WHY WE’RE AT RED ROBIN. EAT ALL THE FRENCH FRIES YOU WANT. JUST DON’T GET ANY GREASE ON MY NEW JACKET.


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