J.Crew's First Commercial Celebrates American Values Like Credit Card Debt


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We all know that in terms of sales, J.Crew has been decisively killing the game for a minute now. The company has in many ways successfully become America's de facto "nice mall brand," swooping up customers young and old thanks to the work of Mickey Drexler and Jenna Lyons and a ton of other people who never get any credit, so why start now? So, it makes sense that now they have taken the next step in their quest to get chambray shirts and "OMG SUPER PAJAMI PANTZ" into the closets of every person in the country by creating their first ever national TV spot. Now, the advertisement isn't totally a J.Crew promo, as it also promotes MasterPass, an app that allows you to store billing and shipping information in your phone, making the NSA's job just that much easier.

As for the commercial itself, well, it looks like it's going to be a very, very "white" Christmas, if you catch my drift. My drift being that the family in this commercial is obviously Caucasian. Shout out to the dimepiece actress playing the "mom" who looks not a day over 27. And hey, that little girl with the Jenna Lyons glasses (I see what you did there) is definitely going to make people of all races, creeds, colors and religions run up their credit during the holidays, which, at the end of the day, is what this time of year is all about.


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